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Upskilling with AI – Leveraging Gen AI for continuous learning in tech


Team SAWiT


10 September 2024

using gen ai for learning

The tech world’s moving at a breakneck pace (much quicker than one would have anticipated) and continuous learning has never been more critical.

As technology evolves, so must the skills of those who work within it. AI has become a significant player in this sphere, transforming how we approach upskilling and continuous learning. Contrary to the myth that AI is here to take our jobs, it's time to embrace a new narrative—one where AI and humans work together to achieve unparalleled growth and innovation.

In fact, according to LinkedIn’s Workplace Learning Report, 94% of Indian companies are set to enhance their employees' skills this year due to advancements in AI. This focus on upskilling highlights the increasing importance of AI in the workforce, and many companies are prioritizing both technical and soft skills to ensure their employees are prepared for the future of work​.

The Importance of Upskilling

Upskilling enhances employability, boosts productivity, and fosters innovation. It empowers individuals to take on new challenges, shift into different roles, and remain competitive in the tech job market.

AI Upskilling

AI-driven tools are revolutionizing the way we learn by providing personalized, adaptive learning experiences. These platforms leverage machine learning algorithms to tailor content to individual learning styles, preferences, and progress, ensuring a more effective learning experience. For example, multiple platforms use AI to recommend courses based on a learner's history and preferences. AI-driven language learning apps can adapt lessons to match the user’s proficiency level, making learning more efficient.

AI also facilitates real-time feedback, allowing learners to correct mistakes and understand concepts better. Tools like Grammarly and Turnitin use AI to provide instant feedback on writing, helping users improve their skills swiftly. By making education more accessible and tailored, AI is a powerful ally in the quest for continuous learning.

Gen AI for Learning

Generative AI (Gen AI) is taking AI-driven learning to new heights. Gen AI models such as OpenAI’s GPT can generate human-like text, create personalized content, and simulate real-life scenarios for practical learning. These capabilities are transforming educational platforms, and creating interactive and immersive learning environments.

The SAWiT.AI event exemplifies the potential of Gen AI in learning. Scheduled for September 21, 2024, this online event aims to empower South Asian women with vital Gen AI skills. Participants will gain hands-on experience using AI tools, building a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) application, and publishing it online.

The event not only enhances technical skills but also fosters a sense of community and collaboration among women in tech. It’s an excellent opportunity to see how AI can be integrated into learning and development on a large scale.

Future of Work Skills

AI is playing a massive role in shaping the future of work skills. The shift is significant and daunting. To thrive in this new landscape, professionals must develop technical skills such as AI proficiency and data analysis as well as soft skills like problem-solving, creativity, and adaptability.

AI is pivotal in developing these skills as well. AI-driven platforms can simulate complex problem-solving scenarios, allowing users to practice and hone their skills. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), powered by AI, create immersive learning environments that enhance creativity and critical thinking.

Moreover, AI tools such as Kalido help individuals track their skill development, set goals, and receive feedback, helping professionals take control of their learning journeys and continuously develop their skills at a pace they are comfortable with.

Tech Career Development

AI-driven tech career development platforms recommend relevant courses and connect users with mentors and job opportunities based on their individual strengths and goals. AI-powered matching platforms like Kalido connect professionals with mentors, peers, and industry experts, fostering meaningful connections and collaboration.

Thus, by leveraging AI, professionals can access a wealth of resources and opportunities to advance their careers.


The narrative around AI is shifting from one of fear and displacement to one of collaboration and empowerment. AI is not here to replace us but to enhance our capabilities and drive innovation. By leveraging AI for continuous learning, we can stay ahead in the ever-evolving tech landscape, develop future-ready skills, and create powerful outcomes through human-AI collaboration.

The SAWiT.AI event is proof of the transformative power of AI in education and career development. By participating in this groundbreaking event, you can gain hands-on experience with Gen AI tools, connect with a vibrant community of women in tech, and take a significant step towards catapulting your journey in tech.

Join us on September 21, 2024, and be part of the future of learning and innovation. Click here to register now.


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